

Represents a database table

Name Description Required Min Max Allowed Values
seed Random number generator seed of this Element. Overrides default seeding behavior. no 0 1
name (Class)Name of this element. Used to identify plugin Class. Full name is required. Example: com.en.myPluginPackage.myPuginClass yes 1 1
id Identification String of this element. May be used to uniquely identify a field within the children of an Element. no 0 1
type Type of this table. Available: Standard, Composite, Timeline, CompositeTimeline, no 0 1
  • Standard
  • Composite
  • Timeline
  • CompositeTimeline
Name Description Required Min Max Allowed Values
subTable Node containing all sub tables of this table no 0 1
seed Random number generator seed of this Element. Overrides default seeding behavior. no 0 1
newPercentage Percentage of new ID entry's to generate per timeID. (affectedTuplesPerTimeID * newPercentage) /100] no 0 1
deletePercentage Percentage of 'delete' ID entry's to generate per timeID. (affectedTuplesPerTimeID * deletePercentage) /100] no 0 1
timeFirstID Timeline simulation system. Last timeID to begin generating. no 0 1
timeLastID Timeline simulation system. Last timeID to generate. And last valid timeID for generating references. no 0 1
rng Name of random number generator class to be used for calculations in this element. Example: com.en.myRNG no 0 1
  • pdgf.util.random.PdgfDefaultRandom
  • pdgf.util.random.PdgfDefaultRandom_oldv2
  • pdgf.util.random.PdgfDefaultRandom_oldv1
sameSeedAsTable This table should use the same seed as the specified table. If both tables would contain the same fields and generators, both of them would generate the exact same values if their seed matches. no 0 1
field contains all fields of this table yes 1
timelineSimulator alternative TimeLineSimulator of this table. no 0 1
changePercentage Percentage of 'change' ID entry's to generate per timeID. (affectedTuplesPerTimeID * changePercentage) /100] no 0 1
affectedTuplesPerTimeID Number of affected tuples per timeID. In combination with newPercentage, changePercentage, deletePercentage this determines how many ID's will be new in this generation, how many will be changed and how many will be deleted. e.g affectedTuplesPerTimeID=100 newPercentage=0.5 changePercentage=0.4, deletePercentage=0.1; In a timeID 50 new tuples would be added, 40 previously existing and not yet deleted tuples would be updated and 10 40 previously existing and not yet deleted tuples would be deleted. no 0 1
size Number of tuples/rows in this table. In case it is an incremental table, size specifies the number of 'historical' initial tuple/row-IDs in the table. The historical size must be at least affectedTuplesPerTimeID * deletePercentage. yes 1 1
Parent Name Description Required Min Max Allowed Values
subTable name the name of this table yes 1 1
2.6_#1486_b758 | 2016-05-24